Thought Leadership

Reflections on Supporting New American Parents

“When the children learn, the moms learn too.” – Nadia Mwangachuchu, Parent Educator For this month’s Thought Leader Article, we asked several New AP Parent Educators and Parent Liaisons to share about how their work impacts refugee and immigrant parents, and what providing this programming means to New AP staff. Atlanta is now home to

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The Ripple Effect of Women’s Empowerment


This month’s thought leader piece is written by Anastassia Hardy, Family Empowerment program manager at New American Pathways. She reflects on women’s empowerment and is delighted to join women and men worldwide, celebrating women’s history month. My name is Anastassia. I am a woman, a mother, an immigrant, and a professional agent of change. Women’s empowerment is

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The Pandemic Comes to Clarkston

This month’s thought leader piece is written by Dr. Gulshan Harjee, a Founder of the Clarkston Community Health Clinic. In 1979, Tanzanian-born Gulshan Harjee turned her dreams into a reality by immigrating to America and attending medical school. Years later, she sold her thriving primary care practice to better serve marginalized and immigrant communities with

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Why We Vote

For this month’s Thought Leader piece, we are sharing the words from many New AP staff, volunteers, clients and friends on why they are voting this year, what will be on their minds when they vote, and why it is important to them. Our reasons may be different, but we all have this in common-

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The Power of a Citizen’s Voice

This month’s Thought Leader piece is written by Khadija Barati, a new United States Citizen. Originally from Afghanistan, Khadija and her two daughters resettled in Atlanta through the Special Immigrant Visa program in 2014. Khadija previously served with the United States Military in Afghanistan prior to fleeing the country for her and her family’s safety.

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