A Path Toward the Future

We provide a continuum of services that supports new Americans on their individual pathways from arrival through citizenship.
We focus on key milestones along the pathway that build on one another and contribute to long-term success.


of all the families we resettle are self-sufficient after 180 days


refugee youth are served in our afterschool programs each year


of clients’ citizenship applications are approved

New American Pathways is an Atlanta based nonprofit with the mission of helping refugees and Georgia thrive

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Thought Leader of The Month: David Schaefer

The Georgia legislative session officially began on January 13th, and this month’s thought leader, David Schaefer, is here to shed light on the policies currently being addressed that affect refugees and immigrants. As Vice President of Research and Policy at the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute, David plays a key role in integrating the organization’s […]

Reflecting on Our Year: A Commitment to the Past, Present, and the Road Ahead

As New American Pathways celebrates 10 years of thriving and supporting Georgia’s refugee and immigrant communities, we take pride in being recognized as a pillar in the refugee resettlement space, both locally and nationally. Despite the accolades, we find ourselves navigating a period of ambiguity, with changes to immigration policy expected in the months ahead. […]


This month is the time of year where many of us consider what we are grateful for. As I reflect on this season, I think about how grateful I am for the tradition of welcome in our country. The Refugee Act of 1980 began the refugee resettlement program, creating an avenue to welcome newcomers to […]

Elevating The Path Forward

Happy 10th Anniversary to New American Pathways! In recognition of this milestone, this month’s Thought Leaders are New AP’s inaugural Board Chair Adriana Varela and our current Board Chair Mitika Leblois. Ten years ago, Refugee Family Services (RFS) and Refugee Resettlement & Immigrations Services of Atlanta (RRISA) formed a successful merger created to strengthen the […]