
New Voter Impact

Our Communications and Policy Coordinator (left, with partners from Georgia Muslim Voter Project and Asian Americans Advancing Justice) reminds you why your vote matters this year, and every year.  Over the past two years, our civic engagement team, has worked to register thousands of new American voters, help educate voters and, most importantly, help new […]

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October Volunteer of the Month: Stephanie Davis

Stephanie Davis is an advocate, a philanthropist and a mentor. The former executive director of Atlanta Women’s Foundation and Georgia Women for a Change, Stephanie has led a life committed to women’s rights and support. She recently joined our English at Home program as a mentor and has served with our Civic Engagement program by

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From the Road: das Willkommen

New American Pathways’ chief executive officer, Paedia Mixon, was recently in Germany with representatives of Welcoming America and other leaders from Georgia. The group learned from their German colleagues, who visited Atlanta earlier this year, about their approach to refugee integration. Reflections from Mannheim – September 2016 This year I have had the pleasure of participating in

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The Power of Partnership

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed it’s the only thing that ever has. –Margaret Mead The civic engagement program at New American Pathways educates Georgians on the positive contribution of refugees and immigrants, advocates for a welcoming environment, and ensures that new Americans have a voice

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Teaching Us to Fish

Carmen Buezo is a New American Pathways client who was resettled from Honduras and began working with the vocational counseling program to work to achieve her educational and career goals. Here, she writes about how New American Pathways helped welcome her and set her on a path to success.  Moving away from everything I knew

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