
Beena Dahal

Beena Dahal has worked in the Parents as Teachers (PAT) program at New American Pathways since 2013 when the program was part of Refugee Family Services (RFS). In the summer of 2013, Beena became an American citizen and was honored at the second annual Red, White and New event. Beena’s husband – also a new […]

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State Champion Clarkston High Cross Country Team made up of Mostly Refugees

The Clarkston High cross country team became this year’s state champions without the aid of matching track suits or brand new shoes. They became known as the “Underfunded Underdogs.” The team is made up of mostly refugees, and, although not mentioned in the article, three of the students are former clients – two from the

State Champion Clarkston High Cross Country Team made up of Mostly Refugees Read More »

Joseph Majak discusses the Atlanta based “Lost Boys” of Sudan

The Sunday, January 12 edition of the AJC featured RRISA contractor Joseph Majak discussing the view of the Atlanta based “Lost Boys” of Sudan, on the war that again rages in their home country. You must have access to My AJC to read the article, but the video is available for all viewers. Via AJC

Joseph Majak discusses the Atlanta based “Lost Boys” of Sudan Read More »