Beena Dahal

Beena Dahal has worked in the Parents as Teachers (PAT) program at New American Pathways since 2013 when the program was part of Refugee Family Services (RFS). In the summer of 2013, Beena became an American citizen and was honored at the second annual Red, White and New event.

Beena’s husband – also a new citizen – her mother and law, and her young daughter traveled with her from Nepal in 2008 after spending most of their lives away from their home country of Bhutan. Beena and her family, like many Bhutanese, cannot travel back to their home country. Instead, they have found a new home here in Georgia.

Since her arrival, Beena has worked to give back to her community. She started work in a day care and in 2011-12 worked with CDF before starting work in the PAT program. Her husband is also dedicated to giving back. He is currently in school for social work. This year was a huge year for the Dahals. Not only did they both become new citizens, but they were also able to buy their first American home in the local community of Tucker, where their two children can grow up in safety and find success in the local school systems.