COVID-19 Impact Report

New American Pathways has been responding to urgent COVID-19 related needs since mid-March. The New American Pathways team has been working tirelessly to ensure new Americans in Georgia have up to date information and resources during this Pandemic. Below is a sampling of some of what we have done so far:

  1. Provided $ 43,368 in Emergency Assistance to 45 families
  2. Provided COVID-19 prevention training to 898 individuals
  3. Helped 562 individuals access unemployment benefits and/or stimulus funds
  4. Provided tablets to 16 after school families and assisted 92 parents with Zoom and/or VERGE virtual learning systems for participation in DeKalb County virtual school
  5. Provided English Language virtual learning resources to 68 individuals and continued to provide mentoring to 37 English at Home clients virtually
  6. Our immigration department has submitted 329 applications to USCIS since March.
  7. We helped 24 clients find a job, provided job preparation to 24 individuals, and provided digital literacy training to 281 adults.
  8. Civic Engagement connected with over 300,000 potential Georgia voters through text messaging.
  9. Education and Youth continued to support students and parents by: Delivering 168 learning material packets to participant’s homes, providing 161 hours of one to one mentoring for students with the greatest needs, and providing homework assistance to 144 students during spring semester

As we continue to navigate the pandemic, we will continue to meet needs of new Americans in our state. Refugee families have experienced job loss and health challenges during a time where they are still adjusting to life in their new home. For our annual event, Red, White and New, we will be raising funds to support our ongoing COVID-19 response efforts. Join us on August 29th at 7pm for our virtual event at