What’s New

Project RISE AmeriCorps

What is AmeriCorps? Often called the domestic Peace Corps, AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs focused on improving lives and fostering civic engagement.  Project RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Success through Education) is New American Pathways’ AmeriCorps program developed in partnership with Fugees Family to serve new Americans in Georgia.We host 24 AmeriCorps members in full-time

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Help Work with Civic Engagement

Our Civic Engagement program works to educate our community and elected officials about the positive contributions of refugees and immigrants; partner with other immigrant and refugee service agencies to improve services; and advocate for and alongside new Americans for better welcoming communities. One of the biggest efforts our Civic Engagement team carries out, however, is

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Volunteer of the Month: Juilee Shivalkar

Are you a social media fan? If you’ve been following our Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn accounts in the last three months, you’ve seen some of the stories Juilee Shivalkar developed during her internship. Juilee, who is an upcoming senior studying Classical Languages as well as Politics and International Affairs at Wake Forest University, paused her

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