Emily Laney

Why We Vote

For this month’s Thought Leader piece, we are sharing the words from many New AP staff, volunteers, clients and friends on why they are voting this year, what will be on their minds when they vote, and why it is important to them. Our reasons may be different, but we all have this in common- […]

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Volunteer Spotlight- From a Teacher to a Brother

We are excited to feature Sam DiSimone for this month’s volunteer spotlight. Sam has been volunteering at New AP for several years and we are so grateful for his dedication and passion for service. Sam and Mohamad, a former refugee from Burma, have been partnered together for English at Home tutoring for nearly two years.

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The Power of a Citizen’s Voice

This month’s Thought Leader piece is written by Khadija Barati, a new United States Citizen. Originally from Afghanistan, Khadija and her two daughters resettled in Atlanta through the Special Immigrant Visa program in 2014. Khadija previously served with the United States Military in Afghanistan prior to fleeing the country for her and her family’s safety.

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COVID-19 Impact Report

New American Pathways has been responding to urgent COVID-19 related needs since mid-March. The New American Pathways team has been working tirelessly to ensure new Americans in Georgia have up to date information and resources during this Pandemic. Below is a sampling of some of what we have done so far: Provided $ 43,368 in

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The Path to Community Leadership

I was born in Ethiopia to an Ethiopian mother and Eritrean father. Growing up in a refugee camp as a child was very difficult. I didn’t really have a childhood. I had to mature at a very early age. When I turned 10 years old, my family and I resettled to Georgia’s Clarkston community. When I first came, it was really hard for me to adjust to society and my new community.

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The Role of New Americans in Upcoming Elections

As an immigrant from Colombia who became a naturalized citizen a couple of years ago, I believe that civic engagement is the best way to give back to this country and make the voice of our community heard. This is the reason why I am very passionate in my civic engagement work, specifically voter outreach. As a naturalized citizen, I believe it is my duty and the duty of other naturalized citizens to vote.

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