Our Stories

Suk Rai Family

Suk Tamang and Sukmati Rai arrived in Atlanta in 2014. Their family has grown over the past five years as their two sons, Sharif and Shalev were born. But in addition to welcoming their sons to the world they have also opened their home to extended family members who needed refuge. They cared for an elderly family member and then welcomed Suk’s younger brothers to their home when their mother died. They also are legal guardians to their niece and nephew, Shavia and Sujan Through this time of their family growing exponentially, Suk and Sukmati continued to work tirelessly to create a future here in the United States. 

Suk is still employed at the company where he got his first job and was recently promoted to supervisor. Sukmati has dedicated her time to learning English and participating in the Parents as Teachers program, where she has gained parenting skills and learned about child development. Recently she has begun to work part time and has shown her resourcefulness in juggling her many responsibilities. Sharif Tamang is excited to enter Kindergarten this year and Shavia and Sujan attend New AP’s Pathways to Bright Futures Afterschool Program. The family will apply for citizenship next year. Suk and Sukmati have demonstrated much hospitality and have shown that success in a refugee family extends to all members of the family, even in the face of challenges.

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