It goes without saying that 2020 has not been without its challenges. Refugees and immigrants have been some of the hardest hit by COVID-19. Many have lost their jobs and with each day we learn of new needs and challenges facing our friends in Atlanta’s refugee and immigrant community. This time of COVID-19 has resulted in increasing numbers of new Americans who need emergency assistance, case management, and employment support. Since last March, New American Pathways has provided the following in response to COVID-19:
- $113,523 emergency assistance funds distributed, supporting 73 families
- Over 1,000 refugees and immigrants assisted with COVID-19 case management.
- 167 families received donated items such as food, electronic devices, diapers, or clothing.
- 119 individuals were assisted with accessing unemployment benefits.
- 486 individuals were given assistance on how to access stimulus payments
- 15 new refugee families were given an electronic device to assist in accessing remote services.
- 388 afterschool and summer school support packets distributed to students to support virtual learning
Even with the pressing needs presented as a result of COVID-19, our work to serve new Americans through our usual program activities did not stop. While job placements were lower due to employers not hiring for much of the year, we were still able to achieve the following:
- 140 refugees welcomed to Georgia in 2020
- 89% of newly arrived refugees were working and paying their own expenses within 180 days of arrival.
- 102 refugees placed in jobs with an average wage of $12.43 an hour.
- 480 volunteers served a total of 7,314 hours
- Over 90% of children enrolled in Bright Futures Afterschool programming met their individual learning goals.
- 98% of Citizenship Applications were approved
- 5,943 new United States Citizens registered to vote
- 118 Domestic Violence survivors served, with 85% meeting their goals
- 90% of all vocational counseling clients achieved one of their career goals
- 80% of children enrolled in Parents as Teachers advanced to a Pre-K or Early Learning Program
We know that this has been a rough time for so many of us, but if you are able, we hope that you can lend your support. Please consider making a year end gift to New American Pathways through the ‘Donate’ Link on our website. In the months ahead, as we work to rebuild the U.S. refugee resettlement program and continue to respond to the needs of New Americans hit hard by COVID-19, your gift to New American Pathways will continue to ensure that Georgia remains a welcoming community for all new Americans.